Hi Everyone, I hope your day has been going well

Today I wanted to ask you guys a question, what is your dream bedroom. A bedroom should be a place where your happy and shows your own personality. So what is your dream bedroom like? Is it a bright and colorful room that screams summer, a more mature room with reds and deep purples, or a room that makes you feel like your in a fairy tale with pastels. Mine would be a colorful, uplifting room with bright greens, pinks, and white(and of course cats:). Leave a comment describing your dream room.  

Smores4ever CEO
4/10/2012 03:16:38 am

I would have my walls electric lime, and my ceiling baby blue. I would still have my bunk bed, but the mattresses would be Memory Foam, and my walls would be littered with posters of the best things in the world: Gummy, Smores, and OREOS!!! I would also have bean bag chairs, and a digital closet, so i can choose my outfit with a swipe of my finger, I would also have different prints and fabrics for me to design stuff, and a bunch of note pad so I can keep writing stories. I would have a radio and a large space so I can practice routines alone, and all of my walls are soundproof! LOL

~Smores4ever CEO~

4/10/2012 09:45:49 am

That sounds awesome!!! Especially the gummy and smores posters:)

ice cream
4/13/2012 02:39:49 pm

just like smores4ever ceo i want sound proff and the closet and the bing bag chairs and i want my own room without my sister.

Hot Cocoa
4/16/2012 08:36:12 am

I want a bright orange room with my big bed covered in my beautiful sheets with huge blooming flowers. I want a walk-in-closet with a voice activated and a touch screen pad where I can choose my outfits depending on my mood. I want a huge wardrobe with riveting and pastel clothing from dresses to pajamas. I want a voice activated door the leads to a secret room where I can do art on a huge couch and a stool with an unlimited supply of my canvas board. I want my own bathroom decorated to be an oasis with a Jacuzzi Tub and showers like they have in the Capitol (The Hunger Games). I want soundproof walls as well and luscious white carpet flooring that is stain-proof. Instead of having to yell from my room I want a voice system device where you press a button to a room and talk and that message is delivered to that room and visa versa as I receive the message. Last but not least I want a stereo system for my iTouch and a patio that leads into the backyard.

4/19/2012 03:28:32 am

i want a dream room just like Hot Cocoa's!!!

Hot Cocoa
4/19/2012 07:36:21 am

:) I know, I'm supah awesome!!!

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