This website represents S'mores. So I decided to come up with a S'mores PIE!!

 2 1/2 -2 3/4 cups of crushed graham crackers  
 1/2 cup of softened butter
3/4 -1 cup of melted chocolate
1/2 cup of caramel sauce 
2 cups of marshmallow fluff 
Cupcake Pan
Cupcake Liners 
Optional: Blowtorch (If you don't have a blowtorch then just use the oven ) 
Let's get started!!
Pre-Heat the oven to 350 degrees 
Mix the butter and crushed graham crackers together 
Line each of the cups with the graham cracker mix (This is the crust) 
Fill each of the cups with chocolate and then caramel 
Then pipe the marshmallow fluff on top (If your having trouble piping the marshmallow fluff then microwave it for 10 seconds)
If the marshmallow is "falling" off then let them sit in the freezer for 5-7 minutes
Now, if you have a blowtorch then torch the marshmallow
But, if you don't then just place them in the oven until its gooey but not melting
That is it!! Tell us how it came out if you try!


Hot Cocoa
3/22/2012 08:04:39 am

Sounds like a cupcake with no batter.


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