What you need:

vegetable oil 
a box of oreos
white chocolate
light cocoa chocolate
cream cheese

This recipe was dreamed up by the Smoresforever CEO, Mini Marshy, and Hot Cocoa while cooking, and it has a little story to go along with it.
I decided to make oreo cheesecake pops, so i invited Mini Marshy and Smoresforever CEO to help me.
DIRECTION: grind 5 oreos in a food processor or blender
put  it in a small bowl
grind rest of oreos and add 8 ounces of cream cheese
(this may get very hard to process or blend)
take the cream cheese mixture and put it in the fridge for about an hour.
STORY: when we took out the mixture, it was really oily and we were rolling them into balls and putting them on trays
i rolled mine into balls while mini marshy did the same
hers were so fat and round and perfect so i took my ugly ones
and threw them on hers
it made a large dent...
DIRECTIONS: don't roll into balls
heat chocolates (about how ever much it seems you need) on oven
when melted, add a little bit of vegetable oil
since we made balls we tried to dip them in the chocolate
while i was dipping mine it fell into the chocolate
i stirred it and it was oreoish chocolate
i added more oreo mixture
and chocolate wafers
and wala
epic fail chocolate
as i was saying in the story
add more oreo mixture and chocolate
a little bit of milk should be added
it wasnt thick enough so i added corn starch
add oreo crumbles and chocolate often
stir even more
add ingredients as necessary
stir forever
when thick and creamy
take off heat


~Hot Cocoa~

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