No. Nonononononnononononono. You do NOT give up on something even if you end up in a slump. You HAVE to keep trying or else... how will you build character anyway? Its not a good move because just think about it. What if you apply for a job but don't get it? Should you give up? No! Same thing here. However, if you were FORCED to do this say by a parent, then you can stop. You should not let anyone force you to do something you don't want to do.

Hope this helps!

~More Smore~
I know you were just trying to be nice and helpful to your friend, but it may have come on to your friend as annoying. Try to lay low on hanging out with her while she spends sometime with her other friend. I know that if only a few days after a fight, I would want nothing to do with the other person. It would only make matters worse if you try to jump to conclusions. Keep in low profile but don't ignore her completely


~More Smore~


    Hiya! I like to hang out with friends, star gaze, play soccer, write, and dance! I also LOVE smores. (well DUH )


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