Your situation is tough. And I mean REALLY tough. I suggest reassuring her a little, because not only is this move hard on you, its hard on her too. She's probably a bit stressed out, and all she needs is for you to say, "Please, try to stay." or something like that. Tell her that she's an amazing friend and that it wouldn't really be the same without her. All she probably needs is reassuring words and good friends by her side. Hope this helps!

~More Smore~
    (This might not go well, because I was sorta frozen when I read your problem)...
    My first piece of advice: Don't let it get to you. They probably LOVE it when you get angry, or show any type of negative reaction. It makes them feel better in some twisted way... If THAT doesn't work, try standing up for yourself. Just say "I've had enough. Can you PLEASE stop spreading these rumors about me? I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. Period.  I'm done. When you grow up, go ahead and find me." then if THAT doesn't work, find new friends and tell an adult about your old ones. If your new friends ask about the rumor, reassure them, its not true. Be careful who you walk up to though. If you decide to befriend the snooty popular girl, it might not end well. Look for kind faces, and warm personalities. Hope this helps! (and sorry if for last time... I have things in life that can really wind me up... c:

~More Smore~\

PS, I know that this advice really isn't the best, so if you need further help, you know where to find me ;)


    Hiya! I like to hang out with friends, star gaze, play soccer, write, and dance! I also LOVE smores. (well DUH )


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