I already have enough to worry about. Like my schedule. At least I get to keep the same locker. But the late bell rings when I notice who the locker next to me belongs to. Rachael. That snobby girl who thinks she knows everything who seems really young and is in 6th grade. "Hurray!" I think with sarcasm. I get to spend the rest of the school year standing next to some snob. My dream come true. Not. 
    I run to class hoping the scaredy cat kids will cover for me. I'm in luck as I pick up my schedule and run to room 13B. Mr. Kozer, a history teacher, is my new period one teacher. I hear he's the coolest teacher in the school. He throws pop-quiz parties where everyone brings snacks while they take a pop-quiz. But that's the fun in it. It's a soda pop quiz. He brings the soda and you taste it. You guess what flavor it is and if you're right you get an extra percentage point on your worst test grade. If you're wrong you have to move over to the snacks table and celebrate the fail. He sounds super cool. But I learn so-far, his class is a blur. At least for today. 
    No better are the next two classes. English always sucks the fun out of writing, because you can't write fiction. The only reason I like my math teacher, Mrs. Myers, is because her class is after lunch and right next to the lunch line. When she dismisses us I burst into the lunch line, by a burger, a bag of Doritos, juice, and an oatmeal cookie. All the spare money I have left is a nickel. I wonder if that could buy me out of school.
    I choose to sit at the lunch table where nobody sits. Beside it's the closest to my favorite and next class, photography. Then I have science with Mr. Stanley and then P.E. with Ms. Rosa on an incredibly hot afternoon. 
    The only reason I chose photography as my elective  was because it was like a mirror in itself. And you could capture life's best moments in a click of a button and save them forever. 
    At the end of the day, I counted all of my assignments, and decided I wasn't going to tolerate school or my family anymore. I wasn't going to act sick, I was going to run away. Find a new life, and maybe even a family who cares.
~Hot Cocoa~
I feel like all my stories have a tragedy in them :P

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